Palliyakkal Service Cooperative Bank
Palliyakkal Service Cooperative Bank has been an active partner in the Pokkali sector. Palliyakkal has intervened in the production, procurement, processing and distribution of Pokkali for over 20 years. The changes in the market demands and farming pressures means that Pokkali sector needs an intervention and as a partner in this sector Palliyakkal Service Cooperative Bank is spearheading this movement under the scheme, ‘Sampoorna Pokkali’.
Sampoorna Pokkali was started as a scheme to unite Pokkali farming regions into accelerating the farming and harvesting of Pokkali. In this scheme Palliyakkal would serve as the central node and assist in this regeneration process. Presently we have 8 Local Self Government Departments (LSGD) officially onboarded into this program. We plan to expand and support our Pokkali farmers into the new normal through initiatives such as this.